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Unraveling The Lewandowski Hitler Connection Fact Or Fabrication

Unraveling the Lewandowski-Hitler Connection: Fact or Fabrication?

The Allegation

The internet has been abuzz with claims that Robert Lewandowski, the renowned Polish footballer, shares a familial connection with Adolf Hitler. Specifically, it is alleged that Lewandowski's maternal grandfather, Bogdan Lewandowski, was a Polish soldier who fought against the Nazis during World War II, while his paternal grandfather, Johann Georg, was a close associate of Paula Hitler, the dictator's younger sister.

Examining the Evidence

Upon closer examination, these claims hold little substance. Historical records indicate that Lewandowski's maternal grandfather was indeed named Bogdan Lewandowski and fought against the Nazis. However, there is no evidence suggesting any connection between him and Paula Hitler. The claim that Lewandowski's paternal grandfather, Johann Georg, was connected to Hitler's family is equally unsubstantiated. While Johann Georg was indeed legitimized and recognized as Hitler's paternal grandfather by Nazi Germany, there is no evidence of any close relationship between them.


Despite the online speculation, there is no credible evidence to support the claim that Robert Lewandowski is related to Adolf Hitler. These allegations appear to be baseless fabrications, likely driven by the sensationalist nature of false information spreading online. As with any historical claims, it is crucial to rely on verifiable sources and exercise critical thinking when encountering such information.
